
Hi, my name is magic! I'm a 19 year old lgbt artist who is self taught. I am currently working on developing stories for my own original characters. I vary in style and often have a quick turn-around rate (up to 1 week).


-My work is for personal use only, unless specifically asked and agreed upon. You cannot advertise with my art, claim it as your own or use it to sell anything else.
-When posting my work publically, I require some form of credit. Stating my username itself is fine, as it is the same on every platform.
-I require you to pay half of the agreed upon price when I first start the commission, and half after I have finished and provided you with the commission.
-While I am working, you can always ask to see progress, I do not mind sending in progress shots and if you need any changes, just let me know. If you need changes after I finish a commission, I don't mind completing them free of charge.
-When commissioning me, please provide me with references- these can be art or photos of real life references if needed. If you are very specific in your commission but not in your references, things may get misunderstood, so please be extremely clear with what you want.
-I do not provide refunds if I have completed half of the commission, if you for some reason need a refund, please be aware to ask sooner rather than later. If you ask for a refund before half is done, you will get a full refund, if later than half, you will get half of what you have already paid.


An additional background or extra character adds on half of the original price

Chibi Style
-Head $3
i usually do not shade heads themself
-Fullbody $7
fullbodies come fully shaded

No Lineart
-Bust $3
-Half-Body $7
-Fullbody $13
all these options come fully shaded and colored

Full Lineart
-Bust $5
-Half-Body $10
-Fullbody $15
all these options come fully shaded and colored

Reference Sheets
-Chibi Back and Forth $15
-Regular Back and Forth $20
neither of these come shaded, but will come with their color palettes on the side

Will dos/Won't dos

Will Dos
-Original Character Art
-Ship Art
-Pride Art
-Humans, Humanoids
-NSFW of Adults/Adult Characters
-Real People (With their consent)

Won't Dos
-Fetish Art
-Furries (I am currently practicing drawing them)
-Animals in general
-Problematic Real-Life People
-Illegal Ships/Content
-Extremely Muscular People